Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Ahhh Vacation, so to speak...

My kids are at Grandma and Grandpa Camp (Pops and Meme's house) - So we are on our own. Monday, I sort of stayed home from work. I got called in late Sunday night - so I had a couple hours then...Then I got called before we left to take my mom to the airport - so I logged in and checked some things out. Then I tried to talk them through the problem on the way to and from the airport.

(it is so weird to go to the airport to drop someone off anymore - it is so quick, because you aren't allowed to go to the gate, so you just drop them off in front and that's it. Mom wanted to be at the airport about two hours ahead of time. I probably got her there 1.5 hours ahead. Then she called about an hour after she was supposed to leave saying she was still on the ground because of thunderstorms in Atlanta.)

After futilely trying to talk them through the problem, I realized I would have to go in. Earlier in the day, I had agreed to be a sub in the golf league - so I went in, found that neither unit was working (I won't go into it) - and went back to my office to get a spare - found the trailer locked and had to make 3 trips to the computer room to get the right key - and rushed to the golf course to make my 5:30 tee time. I played erratic golf, (great one hole, terrible the next), picked up 9 points for the team I was subbing for - and arranged to pick up 2 more units for the problem at work. Went BACK to work, picked up the units - tried to install them, discovered that NEITHER of those worked either - so I took them out of the crane and plugged them into a normal wall outlet and the worked fine! Called an electrician to check the power in the crane - he went and fiddled with something on top - and VOILA - everything started working. (The operators THEN told me that their radio hadn't been working right either - that may have been a handy piece of information to know!). Went home (about 10:30) and went to bed. And THAT was my first day of "vacation" - sooooo relaxing.....NOT!


At 1:27 PM, Blogger Abby said...

Vacation for me but not for you
love you

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Katie Y. said...


At 11:37 AM, Blogger H. Yackley said...



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