Friday, January 20, 2006

Church Stuff

I spoke at church a couple weeks ago Wake UP!. Since then, I've been challenging some of my friends to see their hearts as refined and made new. I think it changes our whole outlook when we are tempted. Are you more likely to get victory if you see yourself as a redeemed child of God or as a desperately wicked sinner? (provided, of course, you are a redeemed child of God!).

I preached it to a guy named Paul I met at the Downtown Canton Skating Rink. I let him try out my skates. Afterwards, we talked for a bit and I asked him where he was on his spiritual journey...he said, "I'm a Christian, but I haven't been going to church." I asked him if he had any kids and he said "3 step-kids" - and that his "old lady" had a bad attitude. We talked a little about the battle between the flesh and the spirit. He said he really wants to do right - but when he thinks about going to church his flesh doesn't want him to. I encouraged him to get back in the Word - Gospel of John, Romans 7, etc - and to be a spiritual leader in his family by serving his family. "What does that mean?" It means when your "old lady" is trying to get the dinner on the table that you ask her how you can help, or just pitch in. It means cleaning up the house without being asked or told. It means doing the dirty jobs that no one else wants to do. Jesus was the greatest spiritual leader of all time - yet he was the greatest servant of all. And then he might find that the "bad attitude" his "old lady" has can turn into a good attitude. He kept saying - "this is really radical" or "this is powerful". I also encouraged him to find a brother with whom he can find encouragement on his spiritual walk.